Monday, January 16, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

GM Failure - The Time is Near


I'd like to submit a ban appeal please. I received a notice of ban for harassment but I have no idea how I could have possibly harassed anyone by reporting another player.

Service Interruption - Game Sage Humor

The image you are about to see was emailed to me a few weeks ago. I never saw a need to post it until now as I look at recent comments and emails that I've received.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Expect the Unexpected... At AGE

I'm looking at the players that I cast and realized we’re still short. For the purposes of this post, I’m removing mysticmaggie and adding JonGhost and SailorSpira to the cast. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Show Must Go On

Since a lot of visitors play Eden Eternal and have their own opinions about AGE's customer service, I decided to do an experiment.

Here is a copy of a ticket I sent to Eden Eternal Game Masters because previously when I sent it to Shaiya Game Masters they did not respond at all. I waited two, three, four, five days and still no response. I could've forwarded the ticket I suppose but that would've been problematic. You see most current Shaiya Game Sages want nothing to do with me either because they're upset that mysticmaggie's photobucket was made available to the public or because of the screenshots I've been sent over the past year (from private forums), or because they don't like what I post. But there are a few Shaiya Game Sages who keep in contact with me and probably don't want to be de-tagged as a result of the perceived notion that they have provided me with private information.

Because of that little predicament I submitted a new ticket a few days ago to Eden Eternal game masters. Less than two days and I received a response. Nothing too flashy or spectacular though for a change I received a response recently that sounded sincere even though it wasn't particularly helpful.

So in honor of the two or three game masters who I've had the pleasure of dealing with recently, I'd like to say sorry if this blog makes you look bad because my opinion of AGE customer service representatives has been tainted by the majority of other game masters that have no idea what good customer service is.

And then I'd like to say sorry to the twenty odd number community volunteers who have contacted me in regards to my blog and expressed the sentiment that "just because the Shaiya GS team is mismanaged doesn't mean other game sages are like that." Since I will proudly say there's at least four Shaiya game sages out there who have gone out of their way to help me at the expense of time it takes from them, it's a sentiment I can embrace.

So in a way I suppose Feldegast was right. And I will rectify that guffaw of mine starting tomorrow.

While I've said many times that not all of my experiences with AGE customer service representatives was less than satisfactory, I have come off as belligerent and biased in the extreme towards the majority of Shaiya game sages. I apologize for that misunderstanding and for letting the impact of the negative interactions I've had with 5-7 of them permeate throughout this blog. On that note, it's time to go back to that list of players I drew up some time ago….. Oh dear. We don't seem to have enough players.... Whatever shall we do??? Get more! Duh!

I'd like to play billdoor and [GM]Bella in attack mode, mysticmaggie in defense mode, and lay down one trap card to end my turn! Because this wouldn't be any fun obviously if this were the perfect image of a positive experience with Aeria Games & Entertainment.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Service Interruption - Lack of Decorum & Condolences

My previous post was published before I realized I hadn't provided visitors with what I thought would be enough background information. I considered a retraction until I read a disturbing email last night about the passing of a Shaiya Game Sage.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

Service Interruption: Foreshadows & Conspiracies

I'd like to report a player for harassment. He has done nothing but curse me out and call me a hacker because I killed him in PvE. I've blocked him as a GS suggested but now he KSes me non stop and continuously attempts to transact me.

Dear Player

We thank you for your report and apologize for any inconvenience due to unsavory characters. Unfortunately we cannot do anything because we are much too busy reading this blog and being manipulated by community volunteers who want us to ban accounts for their actions on Google's blog service.

- Team Aeria

What... the....
You can't do something about a player stalking me because you're harassing someone because of something they post using Google services!?!?!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Introducing [GS]Stalker

From the time I started this blog until now, I’ve had assistance from AGE employees and community volunteers. Well the few still willing to talk to me anyways. Without their assistance I wouldn't be able to provide the most accurate information.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Notification of Service Reinstatement

I'm not 100% but I'm getting there. Anyhoo, it's time for a round of thank yous. Thank you to everyone who wished me well. Thank you to everyone who provided me with entertainment while I was getting better. And a special thanks to all who continue to read this and have waited patiently for this post. 
To kick off my first post in over a week, I want to show you things people said made them think of my site or things people thought would look good on my site for whatever reason.