
The Administrator

My name is CeeCee and I'm a gamer.  I hung up my gaming mouse for a bit because of college and work and family, but I still think of myself as an avid gamer. I've played everything from MMOs to single player and at one time or other owned pretty much every game console out there. I remember when Gameboys were about the size of an address book, when 'blowing' meant something worthwhile when you steadily blew into a cartridge attempting to breathe life into it when it didn't work the first time. I remember when you could buy PC games at a store, flip to page 25, look down column C and then enter the word/phrase to register your game.

This blog is a response to a negative experience I had with a game publisher. In all my years as a gamer and member of any number of online communities I've met my fair share of characters. AGE takes the cake for worst customer service, lying, violation of their own terms of service, harassment, and facilitation of harassment. So I present this blog where I will show the level of incompetence I've met with the customer support service, the complete disregard of Terms of Service by community volunteers and employees, and the harassment I endured. Throughout, I will post things from AGE regulated mediums including private forums. Since I'm no longer an AGE customer, I don't have to worry about being banned or being met with any amount of censure from other customers. If you'd much prefer to not check for updates, then you can read the summary.

Behind the Scenes

The contents of this blog is proofread by at least two people before it is posted. Before a post is published, much consideration is given to feedback (be it comments or emails) and the visit counter. We like to provide you guys with content that is popular or trendy. At the same time we like to provide content that is relevant. It's a very intricate dance that we're still trying to master. 

Secret Supporters

Former and current Aeria Games community volunteers with some knowledge about the inner workings of AGE. Without them some content provided here would not be possible. 

Viet-My Bui

Sometimes called ravenskar, this awesome Aussie has been making waves in the art community for a number of years now. The site header was the work of her awesome spunkiness.